(without real money part) why loot boxes with cosmetics are bad, but random drops in-game (including containers with random gear) are fine, then?They offer players a chance at a randomised reward when opened.
Princess_Ciri wrote: »Gambling is legal for adults
Eh, depends on the region and form of gambling. There's a reason underground poker games are a thing.
(without real money part) why loot boxes with cosmetics are bad, but random drops in-game (including containers with random gear) are fine, then?
The discussion is what will ZOS do when it (eventually) will be regulated?
In both Belgium and The Netherlands loot boxes are in the proces of becoming regulated. Examples are Dota 2 where loot boxes do not give random rewards anymore but you see before you buy them what you will get out of that box. This circumvents the 'random' aspect which makes it akin to gambling.
'The discussion is not if it is or is not gambling. The discussion is what will ZOS do when it (eventually) will be regulated? Up until now ZOS just is not big enough for the authorities to take interest in. This however can change at any moment.
Also keep in mind that regulations take a long time to change but once set in motion almost always happen. It's like a mammoth tanker, you might not have noticed it changing course.. but is sure did. Especially on the EU-level.
Since ESO is already rated 18 in the UK (and those age ratings are legally enforced, if only at the point of sale) and online gambling is already legal for over 18s here the only way it's likely to affect this game is that ZOS might be required to pay for a gambling licence and comply with the conditions, which includes things like reporting annually on the type/s of gambling you offer and the profits made.
I'm certain ZOS would be able to do that, but they might decide it's not worth the hassle for the income they get from UK players buying loot boxes (I have no idea how much that is, I'm just talking hypothetically here) and it's easier to block anyone in the UK from buying crown crates, or to change them so they don't qualify as gambling under the updated law.
Although it's also possible, depending on the exact wording of the updated law, that crown crates won't qualify anyway. I've been following this review for a while and a big part of the focus is on games where you can sell the stuff you get from loot boxes. A lot of companies brush that off by saying they don't allow it, but of course that doesn't stop players going to sites like Ebay or even Facebook and selling their items to other people. Whereas in ESO it's literally impossible because anything you get from crown crates is bound to your account and can't be traded.
Agreed, plus the lootboxes that cause the most controversy are those where you either get what you want or nothing, whereas with crown crates you always get things equivalent at least in theory to the cost of the crate (although what something is worth to an individual player will vary according to the player). Gems are very significant in this respect, as is the fact that nothing in the crates is required to play the game competitively or otherwise so there is no sense of compulsion. Gambling where you win or lose is very different to mini-games where you always win but with an element of chance as to what you win.
There's one thing that is always missing from these discussions of course. I have yet to see a single critic of crown crates provide an alternative source of revenue if crates go. They don't want increased subs, indeed many won't buy a sub at all, and they dislike the whole "clown" store concept, so how do they propose that the game should be funded?
holden_caulfield wrote: »I still don't understand all the hate.
We are surrounded by gambling service's. They are an important part of countries income.
In eso crates are FREE. yes free. Farm gold buy crowns and open your evil boxes.
What is that bother many of u so much?
Me? Never bought any crate. Actually if it wouldn't for this forum I forget they exist
VaranisArano wrote: »
They aren't free. Someone has to spend real money so you can get your chance at the item you want.
I dislike Crown Crates because it's bad for consumers to only get a chance at the item they want. But it's amazing for ZOS' profits, so it won't substantially change. ZOS will simply follow any new regulations and continue funneling new items into the Crown Crates.
VaranisArano wrote: »
They aren't free. Someone has to spend real money so you can get your chance at the item you want.
I dislike Crown Crates because it's bad for consumers to only get a chance at the item they want. But it's amazing for ZOS' profits, so it won't substantially change. ZOS will simply follow any new regulations and continue funneling new items into the Crown Crates.
holden_caulfield wrote: »Big enough? Are u talking about the mother company zenimax? Bethesda? ID?
IP like doom, elder scrolls?
What's big in your view?
The real issue is that whilst ESO is an 18 rated game it is likely that the majority of players are under 18. The UK gambling regulations make it a criminal offence for both the company and the gambler to participate in gambling under 18 years of age (with some minor exceptions)
Further if crates are brought within UK gambling regulations, zos would also be subject to UK Gaming tax.
Hopefully crates will get removed from the game anyway
holden_caulfield wrote: »Many players think that the eso plus subscribers are enough. Others think that they bought the game so they have the right to play everything dlc and chapters included. The majority of those people don't have a clue of how much a game like eso costs to mantain and expand.
The real issue is that whilst ESO is an 18 rated game it is likely that the majority of players are under 18. The UK gambling regulations make it a criminal offence for both the company and the gambler to participate in gambling under 18 years of age (with some minor exceptions)
Further if crates are brought within UK gambling regulations, zos would also be subject to UK Gaming tax.
Hopefully crates will get removed from the game anyway